The Wichita Beacon from Wichita, Kansas (2024)

on on a Six THE WICHITA EAGLE (EVENING) Monday, October 17, 1932. JANE to BETTY NOTES Tum, Tum de tum, Tum, tum de tum three guesses yes, it's ye olde "Wedding March" from Lohengrin and it's been going through my head ever since the gorgeous wedding of Ruth Dockum and Bob Boggs and Bets, what a beautiful night: it was with that big silver moon pardon me, but I do feel romantic! A perfect night was Saturday for a wedding what a surprise at seeing Mr. and Mrs. George Ewing who had come down for Ruth's marriage. Mrs.

James Klepper was an. attractive guest gray and American beauty shade. Her formal gown of gray chiffon featured the swathed hipline and a full skirt fluttered toe-length. Her wrap was an AmerScare beauty American velvet beauty cape, slippers. and Mrs.

she Robert Clapp was a charming fig-white with queen's collar ure -wearing a full length cape of and a white gown. Mrs. George Bruce (Pauline Houston) chose a charming gown of a delicate peach shade and her turban was of matching color trimmed with, gray fur. Mrs. Edgar Dunne wore beautiful gown of deep wine velvet with small.

tilted turban of matching velvet. Mrs. Lee Phillips wore a white fur wrap over a pastel evening gown-Mrs. Albert Comley was most attractive in al gown of delicate green shade and an evening wrap of black and white velvet and a turban of white velvet. Mrs.

Guy Houston was never so stunning in a royal purple velvet evening gown and a purple turban trimmed with ermine tails. A charming white lace gown was the choice Mrs. Sam Garst, whose small evening hat also was of white lace- Mrs. Marcellus Murdock was smart in lace gown of burgundy the upper part of which ecru lace and her evening turban was also in red. Jane Murdock wore a floor length gown in soft shades of chiffon, flowered and she completed her tume with a turban of black tulle.

Anne held- open house Saturday Stearns, Betty, she has most complete trousseau and the most -beautiful gifts you've ever seen. She had one room filled to the brim with her linens and towels and most of it was beautiful hand work. Her grandmother is an expert needlewoman and does beautiful cutwork. Her own personal things were lovely one "Queen Ann" negligee of ecru lace fashioned the dainty stiff collar caught everyone's eye Silk hose galore clever pajama ensembles and beautiful gowns fairly left me gasping Her crystal pattern of Apollo- Diana is most complete and you should see her china set of ebony with the glasses to match in crystal and ebony. She has an exquisite set of chinaware and breakfast set is in yellow Anne's silver pattern is BIG coming Watch for it! Princess Patricia and is nearly all complete.

Believe you me, George Stoppelwerth, Anne's fiance is going to be a wellfed man for Anne has an entire cellar filled with home canned goods which includes fruits, vegetables, jellies, jams sauces and loads of other things. Her kitchen accessories are complete the clever large salt and shakers and three prepeto "tried and true" recipe books Anne received her guests Saturday in a long chiffon frock of apricot printed chiffon which featured a sash of satin tied in a large bow at the side. She was assisted by her sister-in-law, Mrs. Orlin Stearns who wore frock of yellow printed chiffon and Mrs. Walter Beach who was charming in a long gown of blue metallic cloth.

Today's prize for the best looking outfit goes to Virginia Stimpson who is very chic in a fall frock of gray wool and satin combination. The large full sleeves of the dress are of the satin. Virginia wears grey accessories. Romantically yours, JANE. Ethel K.

Miller Weds Cecil Fado Saturday Night HENRY MILLER of 1830 ME. South Topeka announces the marriage of his daughter, Miss Ethel K. Miller to Mr. Cecil R. Fado, son of Mr.

and Mrs. 0. 0. Fado of 1720 South Market which was solemnized uncle, Rev. David Railing in Milton, Saturday at the home a of Mr.

a Fado's Kan. The bride wore a dark blue' crepe frock with blue accessories and a shoulder coursage of bride's roses and lilies valley. The bride, who is an assistant to Dr. A. R.

Talbott has many friends in the city. Mr. Fado is associated with Mr. Harry Stiles in the filling station and battery business. DeMolays to Give Dance at Shrine Club AN will event be the of DeMolay interest this dance month which is being held at the Shrine club, Friday evening, October.

28. The Halloween motif will in the decorations and propredominate, gram. Marjorie Strahl And John Schrock Are Wed Sunday ANNOUNCEMENT is made of the marriage of Miss Marjorie Strahl, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Otho Strahl of 124 South Popular, to Mr.

John Schrock, son of Mrs. John Schrock, of Wichita which was solemnized Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the First Presbyterian church with Dr. George Edwards Newell officiating. The couple was attended by Miss Lucille Corporan and Mr. Carlyle Culp.

The bride wore a smart navy blue woolen suit with matching accessories and a corsage of yellow rose buds. Miss Corporan wore a frock of brown crinkly crepe with brown accessories. Following the ceremony, the bride's parents were hosts at a reception in their home where the in Schrock yellow left and by white. motor for a wedding trip in the East and afterwards will reside Wichita. The wedding guests were Mr.

and Mrs. Otho Strahl Mr. and Mrs. Ted Strahl, Mrs. John Schrock, Mrs.

J. A. Bock and Mr. Pete Strahl. MRS.

GARLAND; HOSTESS Mrs. Garland of 243 South Rutan will entertain the members of her bridge club at luncheon Thursday afternoon at the Fleet Inn. How Do Sportswomen Manage? Cup winners can't be quitters. The woman in any field of sport must take her sporting chance with Nature. Any strenuous match may bring her.

monthly sickness. But there no pain! Midol always meets this emergency, as all should know. will active women block periodic pain for hours. And Midol is as harmless as the aspirin that stops your headaches. (It is non-narcotic.) If you want your next monthly period to begin and end without even a moment's discomfort, just ask for Midol at any drug store.

Tuck the little box in your purse and be ready. 4 NEW GRACE LINERS Round Panama America CALIFORNIA I A and NEW YORK Rosa's beginning maiden with voyage, the palatial new Santa Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, York; Dec. 26 from California! Nov. 26 from New and Colombia. Then return home again by regular Meanwhile, rail.

Complete circle-tour of America, at Grace "Santa" fortnightly Fleet from sailings of New the famous extremely attractive rates. No passports. and Los York, San Consult local travel or railway ticket agent, Francisco Angeles. or Grace Line. coast.

You go Then by rail Grace from Line your home to either -New York: 10 Hanover Square; to the opposite cisco: 2 Pine Street; Chicago: 230 N. MichiSan Francoast, visiting en route Havana, Panama, gan Avenue. A RAIL- WATER CRUISE- -TOUR MARRIED AT GRACE CHURCH JOSEPH QUIGLEY who prior to her marriage Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the Grace Methodist Episcopal church was Miss Lucille Brown. Ms. Quigley is popular in the younger social set of the city and is a member of the Sigma Phi Gamma corority.

(Reed portrait). Quigley-Brown Nuptials Are Solemnized Sunday Afternoon Bride and Bridegroom Leave on Wedding Trip and Will Be at Home in Topeka. THE marriage of Miss Lucile Brown, daughter of Mrs. Louise Brown of 146 North Kansas, to Mr. Joseph Quigley of Topeka, son of and Mrs.

Ed Quigley of Winfield, was solemnized Sunday afterin noon at 3 o'clock at the Grace Methodist Episcopal church. Rev. W. F. Little officiated at the ceremony.

The couple was unattended. The church altar was decorated with a large central arrangement of white chrysanthemums in a background of palms with tall wrought iron -candelabra illuminated with white cathedral tapers at either side. Mrs. Ray Ballard at the organ played the prenuptial music and Mendelssohn's wedding march for the processional and Lohengrin'3 wedding march for recessional. During the ceremony Mrs.

Ballard played "To a Wild Rose" by MacDowell. Preceding 'the ceremony, Mrs. R. J. Mayall sang "Because" and "All for You," accompanied by Mrs.

Chester Roskam, violinist. The bride was given in marriage by her uncle, Dr. C. E. Brown of Leavenworth.

The bride was costumed in heavy white satin, featuring a full, gored skirt. the front panel coming to a high point on the bodice with 3 sash forming on either side which tied in back and fell into a short train. The upper part of the bodice was fashioned in a yoke effect out of which fell extremely full sleeves to the elbow where tight sleeves were attached and extended over the hands in points. The gown was accompanied a white tulle turban and white crepe slippers. She carried a bride's bouquet of white roses.

The ceremony was followed by an informal reception at the church. Mr. and Mrs. Quigley, left for a short wedding trip and will be at home in Topeka after October 20 at 606 Lincoln. The bride's going-away costume was a brown woolen jacket! suit.

INSURANCE IS FOR THE FAMILY People carry life insurance for their families--not merely to give extra profits to some funeral director. There is absolutely no reason why any funeral service should take the lions' share of insurance money. thus depriving those who are left of actual necessities. The good funeral director should make it a point to include all his advantages in even the least expensive service so that no family will feel the need to exceed its means in order to provide an appropriate burial service. At Gill Mortuary it is not necessary to spend a.

large sum in order to obtain a complete and comforting funeral. Our very reputation depends on rendering the finest service in Wichita at all times. Usually the entire cost represents but. a small portion of the insurance fund Send in your. name and address for the booklet, "Looking Ahead," giving helpful facts about modern funeral methods and costs.

WE SUPPLY NATIONAL CASKETS Gill Mortuary Funeral Directors and Advisers 243 N. Emporia Ave. Phone 44-345 GILL MORTUARY SERVICES RANGE FROM. $70 UPWARD AUTO HURDLES CURB Wichita Woman Knocked Down by Car Severe cuts and bruises were inflicted on Mrs. Edna Chandler, 1400 North Lawrence, when a car driven by William Rule, 16, of 701 South Main, crashed over the curb this morning and hit her as she was standing on the sidewalk.

Mrs. Chandler is a bookkeeper for the Kansas Paint and Color company and was on her way to work at the time. She was taken to the Southwest Osteopathic hospital by Lawrence Wesley, 1414 North Emporia, who was passing at the time of the accident and stopped to give aid. Young Rule came to police headquarters and reported the accident. He said a car dashed into the intersection and suddenly, forced to whip his auto to one side suddenly to avoid a collision.

The machine ran over the curb and hit Mrs. Chandler. Investigator C. S. Parshall went to the scene of the accident to make measurements in an attempt to learn whether Rule was traveling at too rapid speed.

READ MEDICAL PAPERS County Medics Hold Dinner Meeting. Tuesday Medical papers presented by Dr. S. Risser, Blackwell, and Dr. H.

W. Palmer, Wichita, are scheduled to be read at the bimonthly dinner meeting of the Sedgwick County Medical society at the Allis hotel Tuesday evening. The title of Dr. Risser's paper 15 the "Relationship of General Practitioner and the Specialist." discussion on this subject will be led by Arch D. Jones.

"HypoThyroid States" will be presented by Dr. Palmer, with the discussion being led by Dr. T. T. Holt, A luncheon meeting of the board of directors of the society was held at the Lassen hotel today.

Dr. A. P. Gearhart, president, will preside at the meeting tomorrow night. HEINIG TO SPEAK George Heinig, county engineer, will be the principal speaker at a meeting of the Association for the Promotion of Employment at 7:30 p.

Monday, in the courthouse. Mr. Heinig will outline the county's plans for winter employment. All organizations interested in relief work in Wichita are invited to send delegates to this meeting. Suburban Rest Specialized Hospital Services for convalescents, nervous, chronic and incurable cases.


ACCEPTED MOLASSES 6 MOL 1 I LIVER GONELESS PICKLED 674 45. MOTH AND Congright, 1932, by Central, Press Association, Inc. -3 2 GETS 6 MONTHS FOR HORSE THEFI Mrs. Tom Slick And Manager of Slick Estate Wed ST. LOUIS, Oct.

Thomas B. Slick, widow of an Oklahoma City oil multimillionaire, was married here today to Charles Urschel, manager of the Slick estate. A license was obtained at the city hall and the couple was married quietly at the Statler. hotel shortly before noon. Efforts were made to keep the wedding a secret, The hotel management denied either was registered at the hotel or any knowledge of the wedding until after it had taken place.

Mrs. Urschel's secretary was reached shortly after the ceremony had been performed. She said Mr. and Mrs. Urschel left immediately after the wedding on a European honeymoon.

Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Frates, of Tulsa, parents of the bride, and Mrs.

Arthur Seeligson, sister of the bride, were guests at the wedding. The late Mr. Slick was a partner of the firm of Slick, Pryor and Lockhart, oil operators of which Mr. Ralph Pryor and Mr. Floyd Lockhart of Wichita are also members.

The bride and bridegroom have visited friends in Wichita upon TEXAS OIL NOTES State Sues Producer for Overproduction Penalty WICHITA FALLS, Oct. 17. -(UP)-The The first wildcat well in county is running 10 barrels daily from 340 feet in sand in the Thornberry neighborhood. The well, Metzner and Brady No. 1 Thornberry, is located in the north 44 acres of lot 6, Thornberry division.

The strike is expected to lead to other developments. ODESSA, Ector county drilling operations, showed oil and Phillips Petroleum company's No. 1 Scharbauer, east offset to Skelly-Republic No. 1 McKenzie, showed oil at 3,685 feet. LONGVIEW, for penalties of $1,000 a day for 65 days for alleged overproduction of oil from a well in the Maria De Los Santos Coy survey in Cherokee county has been filed by a special assistant attorney general in district court at Nacogdocnes.

P. L. Hoffman is named defendant in the action brought on the complaint of Homer Pierson, chief of the anti-theft bureau of the Texas Railroad commission. The suit alleged overproduction of 1,814 barrels in August, September and the early part of October. AWARD P.

O. CONTRACT Make Changes on Third and Fourth Floors Contract has been let by the for changes third and fourth treasury at Washington department, floors of the new federal building to Smythe and Company of Washington. The contract calls for installation of counters, railings, and gates in the various offices located on these floors. The amount of the contract is approximately $1,400. material to be used in the addition is mill work and is to be made by the Wichita Millwork company here.

Local men will employed on the project. The contract calls for the work to be completed in 60 days. Resinol Helped My Skin in 3 Days "When I decided to try Resinol Soap and Ointment, my plexion was a sight Thad from pimples and blackheads. a horrid, muddy looking skin and when I used powder it looked even worse. After days use of the Resinol Ointment and Resinol Soap, I could see an improvement.

Now all my friends tell me how well my skin looks." (Signed)- Mrs. M. on Request. St. Louis, Mo.

FOR FREE TRIAL size package of Ointment and Soap with your copy of our booklet on Skin Treatment, write to Resinol, Department Ca, Baltimore, Md. Farm Hand Pleads Guilty to Charge Shades of the old Kansas frontie, came before a jury in district court Monday when George Miller wa: brought to trial on charges of the attempted theft of a bay mare value $15. Miller, a farm hand employed by W. F. Christen, sought to remove the horse from Christen's pasture last August, it was testified in Judge Grover Pierpont's district However, when most of the scourtevidence was presented, the jury was dismissed and Miller entered a plea of guilty.

He was given a six sentence, but will be roled when in 20 more days he will pa: have spent a total of 60 days in confinement. Adrian Griekspoor of near Derby. said to be a brother-in-law of Marcus George, erstwhile southern Kansas liquor ring baron, was saved from a prison sentence by the quantity of liquor possessed in his second' arrest. There being but half pint, Capt. Herschel Pennington of the vice squad allowed a possession instead of persistency charge.

Griekspoor was paroled from a 60-day sentence as he has spent 103 days in jail. Gillis Joiner and William Stona paroled from 90 day sentences were, charges of possession, and were, fined $100 and costs--Judge Pierpont taking of 66 days served on the city They were arrested by the police dry squad. Kenneth Lampke was being triea by a jury before Judge J. E. Alexander on his police court, appeal on charges of possession.

He was arrested with Clyde Deason, now serving as a persistent violator, according to officers. Police seized Deason's car and arrested the pair last May 5 on South Lawrence. It is charged one gallon jug of liquor was broken, but another gallon was confiscated intact. George Herman, 26, Hillsboro druggist, was convicted by a jury in Judge Alexander's court of charges of driving a car while intoxicated. Herman was arrested by city and county officers after a chase from the Cannonball city limits highway.

extending He west: admitted on traveled at the rate of 80 per hour, but denied he was drinking. Rush Party at J. H. Lee Home Tuesday Night The jacket sleeves were trimmed with bands of natural lynx and ornamental buttons fastened the jacket. The costume was completed with a white satin blouse, brown felt hat, brown kid oxfords and brown suede gloves.

The bride is a graduate of Newton high school and has resided in Wichita for several years. Mr. Quigley attended Southwestern college. He is now sales manager of the Southwestern Bell Telephone company in Topeka where the couple will reside. ALUMNAE MEETS Members of Pi Kappa Psi alumnae will be entertained Wednes-1 day evening at 8 o'clock in the home of Mrs.

Robert Dice of 361 North Green. DANCE POSTPONED The bridge and dance which was to be. given Wednesday evening at Meadow Lark Golf club has been indefinitely postponed. Mr. and Mrs.

Don C. Brewer of Boston, will arrive today to visit Mr. Brewer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Brewer of 456 North Roosevelt.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Atchison, of Tulsa, were the -end guests of Mr. Atchison's parents, Mr. and Mrs.

E. F. Atchison, of 544 New York. PUT TO ARE CHRYSANTHEMUMS Our own growing Finc stock of CUT FLOWERS, POTTED PLANTS, FLORAL DESIGNS, Plant Storage. W.

Clyde Morehouse And Company 631 Fannie Ave. Dial 3-2900 our to tot at J. H. LEE of 1209 North Topeka will entertain with a rush in her home Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock for the members of Zeta chapter of Beta Sigma Phi sorority. Members of this chapter are: Misses- Lucille Brown Lorraine Billie Ora Pierce Reed Mazie RushJosephine Alexan- Leah Rogers der Opal Summers Mildred Keefe Crystal Hughes Ann Pennick Alice Bradbury Rosemary Rails- Georgia Halfhill back.

Inez Manty Harris Frances BarneyMildred Miller beck Edith Board Gertrude Fraser Ruth Miller Mrs. Gere Stodder, Lucille Miller director Aileen Informal Bridge Honors Visitor As a Drake of courtesy Mt. for Clair, N. Miss Ethel Mrs. W.

W. West of suburban Wichita entertained with an informal bridge party in her home, Saturday afternoon. A small guest group was present at the affair. CRESTVIEW LUNCHEON Mrs. Walter Love.

Mrs. Gerald Smith and Mrs. E. B. Shawver will be the trio of hostesses who will preside at the regular women's day for luncheon and bridge at the view Country club, Thursday.


The Wichita Beacon from Wichita, Kansas (2024)


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Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

Address: 2253 Brown Springs, East Alla, OH 38634-0309

Phone: +398735162064

Job: Investor Government Associate

Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.