AEW Dynamite Beach Break results, live blog (July 3, 2024): Ospreay vs. Garcia (2024)

Here’s a place to check results and comment along with a new episode of AEW Dynamite, airing tonight (July 3) at 8 pm ET on TBS.

This week’s episode comes our way from Chicago’s Wintrust Arena, and is not only the first show since last Sunday’s Forbidden Door PPV with New Japan Pro-Wrestling, but also a Beach Break-themed! Get ready for it with our preview here!

After coming up short in his quest to take the World title from Swerve Strickland, Will Ospreay will put his International belt on the line against Daniel Gracia. We’ll also have three Owen Hart Foundation Tournament matches. Former friends Willow Nightingale & Kris Statlander will face off in a women’s semi-final, while PAC & Bryan Danielson battle for a spot in the men’s final. Jeff Jarrett will also try to honor his late friend by defeating The Elite’s Wild Card entrant in the last men’s first round match.

Mercedes Moné will celebrate adding the NJPW Strong Women’s championship to her AEW TBS one... on the same night Dr. Britt Baker, the former AEW Women’s World champ who stepped on Moné’s moment last Sunday, talks about her return. Plus, more fallout from Forbidden Door as we start on the build for August’s All In at Wembley Stadium!

Come right back here at 8pm ET when the Dynamite live blog kicks off once the show starts on TBS. It will be below this line here.

Enjoy the show!


Cold fire, you’ve got everything but cold fire. You will be my rest and peace child, I moved up to take a place near you. So tired, it’s the sky that makes you feel tried. It’s a trick to make you see wide, it can all but break your heart in pieces, but me? I’m just here to liveblog this pro wrestling show for you, folks.

The show opens with Renee Paquette backstage with “Red Death” Daniel Garcia, who is accompanied by “Daddy Magic” Matt Menard.

Garcia says he’s no stranger to pressure but this is the most important night of his life and he respects everything about Will Ospreay but he’s promised himself that he’s not losing this match.

Maxwell Jacob Friedman rolls up to give him a pep talk, Daniel wants to open up last week’s weirdness but MJF says he’s focused on one thing at a time and there’ll be time for that later and he’d like to be in Garcia’s corner.

Daniel accepts and Matt takes MJF aside and tells him he’s done a lot for him lately and he’s good by him.

“American Dragon” Bryan Danielson vs. PAC (Owen Hart Cup Semifinals)

Circling, collar and elbow, side headlock, reversed to a headscissors, stalemate. Danielson looking for an armbar, PAC reverses to a wristlock, wringing him around, stalemating again. Collar and elbow, PAC gets him in the corner, big chop, off the ropes, both men go for a crossbody and both men are down and out!

Going forearm for forearm, Bryan gets dropped to a knee, referee Paul Turner tries to check on him but the Bastard is right on him with a boot that sends him to the floor! Asai moonsault, back inside, Brutalizer locked on in the middle of the ring and Bryan gets the ropes and forces the break right as we go to break!

Back from commercial, slugging it out forearm for forearm, shoulder armbreaker from Danielson! German suplex, Bryan lands on his feet, flash roundhouse kick, both men are down! Action to the floor, the Bastard wipes him out hard with a thrust kick and climbs the barricade for an elbow drop!

Back inside, springboard elbow drop connects! Danielson clutching his neck, PAC scoops him up... TOMBSTONE PILEDRIVER ISN’T ENOUGH TO KEEP THE AMERICAN DRAGON DOWN! Another cover, another two, Bryan will not stay down! Striking in the corner, trading charging blows, Danielson up top but the Bastard crotches him!

Jockeying for position, avalanche brainbuster... STILL BRYAN KICKS OUT! Off the top... NOBODY HOME ON THE BLACK ARROW! Dragon pulls himself up, charging in, Busaiku Knee lands clean but he can’t capitalize! Brutalizer applied, Bryan counters with a pin, roll-through, omoplata applied, crossface, PAC counters with a pin, Danielson reverses...

Bryan Danielson wins by pinfall with a crucifix pin.

Renee Paquette interviews Willow Nightingale backstage.

Nightingale says “nothing matters, smile anyway” is her mantra and the words she lives by, and she has to look on the bright side in this world of pain and suffering (you’re telling me, sister), but Kris Statlander and Stokely Hathaway mock her, but they don’t understand that it’s for people who need it, for the little girl who wanted to be one of the best wrestlers in the world who got knocked down and got up again.

And she’s going to kick Statlander’s butt and make her way to the world title.

As for us, we’re going to break first.

Back from commercial, Mark Briscoe is in the ring to cut a promo.

He says he represents the baddest tag team there’s ever been, the Briscoe Brothers, Dem Boys! They call him Chicken, but he ain’t scared of sh*t, and last week he came within inches of becoming TNT Champion but Jack Perry must have ate an extra bowl of Lucky Charms and shoved a horseshoe up his ass to win the ladder match.

But that was last week, and he’s worried about this week, and this week is Shark Week! And when he thinks of a shark, he thinks of blood, and when he thinks of blood, he thinks of guts, and he wants to declare himself part of Team AEW for Blood & Guts!

“SCAPEGOAT” Jack Perry slides in the ring behind Briscoe and cracks him in the head with the TNT Championship!

Kyle O’Reilly arrives to equalize him and he beats Jack down for a moment but Kazuchika Okada makes the save!

The Young Bucks come to the stage and saunter their way down to the ring to hold court with all their gold. EVP Trigger!

The Acclaimed come down and the Elite scatter!

Renee Paquette interviews Toni Storm backstage as she cradles Mariah May in her bosom.

Asked about her match against Hikaru Shida on Friday, May is hesitant but Toni gives her a pep talk and reminds her she’ll have her girls with her and gets Mariah to drop her catchphrase for her.

Kris Statlander vs. Willow Nightingale (Owen Hart Cup Semifinals)

Brawling in the ramp before the bell, Nightingale ducks a lariat and pounces Stat down the ramp all the way to the apron! Smashing her face into the apron a few times, snap suplex on the floor, and the match finally begins in the ring after.

Nearfall for Willow, right hands, Kris gets a thumb in the eye to stabilize as we go to break!

Back from commercial, superkick from Nightingale, pass Stat to the apron, she cuts her off, trading chops on the apron! Willow knocks her to the floor, and dives on her with a cannonball! Back inside, missile dropkick, charging lariat, cover... NOPE! Kris Stat with a nearfall off an axe kick, deadlift German suplex hits hard!

Willow with back elbows, avalanche German, lining her up, Kris wants the piledriver, Nightingale rolls through, trading pins, reverse the discus lariat, slip out of the fireman’s carry, Statlander gets her up for the F-5... WILLOW STAYS IN THE FIGHT! Stokely Hathaway puts a chain in the corner and distracts referee Rick Knox while Kris loads her fist!

Willow ducks, Stokely almost gets knocked out, she takes advantage...

Willow Nightingale wins by pinfall with a folding press.

Renee Paquette interviews Jeff Jarrett and friends but Double J can’t speak and walks off.

Jay Lethal says Jeff has never been more prepared for anything in his life and it’s not just wrestling, it’s about honoring one of his best friends in this business, Owen Hart.

And so we go to break.

Back from commercial, Tony Schiavone is in the ring to introduce Dr. Britt Baker, DMD.

She gets on the mic and says she missed us and she thought way too long and way to hard what she would say when she came back, and came to the conclusion that she should just talk to us.

She wants to talk about three things we all have— past, present, and future. Past is a lesson, present is a gift, and future is a motivation. Starting with the past, people must have been wondering where she was for the last ten months. The answer was always “she’s injured” but we know it would take more than a couple herniated discs and a torn hip labrum to keep her away.

In November she was banged up and running on empty but she looked in the mirror and said she was good, until one day she wasn’t, because one day she started feeling really sick. The room spun, her vision blurry, and her right arm was tingling and numb. She said she was good and tried to open a bottle of water and couldn’t.

Her entire right side stopped working, so to sum up, she spent a week in the hospital with a transient ischemic attack, which is an instance when your brain isn’t getting enough blood and a warning sign for a stroke, sometimes called a mini-stroke. So she told Tony Khan she needed to stay home and get herself right, and he said okay, let him know when you’re good.

Jumping to the present, she’s here, she’s clear, and she’s healthy. And when she came back she didn’t know if anyone would give a damn when she made her entrance and the fear of rejection isn’t rational but vulnerability is showing up even when you have no control over what will happen, and on Sunday when she needed pro wrestling, we welcomed her back with open arms and DMD chants.

And for that, she’ll always be in our corner, because at the end of the day she’s one of us and she means that from the bottom of her heart.

Onto the future, and motivation, she says when you’re going through a hard time, be present and go through it, because it’ll be better on the other side, because we all possess the impulse to be elite. And she hears we have a new female face of the company and she runs Mercedes Mone down for having three letters that she didn’t earn and that she forced chants with her entrance music.

But the only letters that matter in this company are DMD.

A car horn honks and a vehicle rolls up on the tron.

Mercedes Mone steps out both titles in hand, and she greets the Young Bucks outside. They tell her her championship celebration is ready.

Crew members festoon the ring with balloons while Britt stands there.

Mercedes makes her entrance and dances like Baker isn’t standing there before making a show of realizing she’s there and asking if she interrupted something. She tells Chicago it’s time to celebrate with your double champion and Britt says she gets it, she outshined her moment at Forbidden Door so now she’s trying to outshine hers.

Mone scoffs but says she’s happy to talk about Forbidden Door where she became a double champion and she should have known Britt would come out and steal her spotlight, which gets her “Shut the f*ck up!” chants, god bless you Chicago. She wants to show everyone what a real star looks like, and Baker challenges her to a match at All In!

Mercedes pops her in the face stretching her hand out and says there’s a long line and Britt needs to get in the back of the line, bitch. Britt calls her a bitch and asks what line, and Mone tells her there’s a price to pay and dances away from her.

We get a recap of the end of the title match at Forbidden Door.

Renee Paquette interviews Will Ospreay backstage but Don Callis rolls up before he can answer.

Will asks Renee to give them the room and tells Don he doesn’t have to say anything, it’s not his fault, it’s Ospreay’s. He hit the referee and couldn’t hit the Tiger Driver, and he knows he’s gonna say just hit it, but he’s not that guy anymore. He tells Callis all he’s done for him and he professes his loyalty but his heart broke on Sunday and he wants out of the Don Callis Family.

Callis says he’s not normally in the habit of letting people out of signed agreements, but he’s so proud of Will and what he’s done with his life, he’s happy to do him the favor, and maybe one day he’ll ask him for a favor. They hug while Kyle Fletcher looks conflicted behind them. Don leaves and takes Kyle with him.

Chris Jericho makes his entrance and says he has to have his TV time and he’s gonna do some commentary. HOOK broke the cardinal sin of the wrestling business, stealing his finish. He berates Taz for cheering and clapping for HOOK like a mark and that’s why he spoke to the Young Bucks because if he’s doing commentary he can’t have Taz sitting next to him, so he got them to relieve Taz of his commentary duties for the rest of the evening and has to leave the arena!

Security surround Taz to see him off.

Cage of Agony (Bishop Kaun, Brian Cage, & Toa Liona) vs. HOOK, Katsuyori Shibata, & Samoa Joe

Joe and Liona to start, trading elbows, Toa knocks him down with aone and hammers him with body blows! Tags to Shibata and Cage, Katsuyori hammering him in the corner with elbows, Brian pops up for a shoulder block! Waistlock, Shibata takes him down into a heel hook but the Machine gets the ropes!

Pulling Cage into the corner, tag to HOOK, Brian rams him into the corner and the heels work him over as we go to break!

Back from commercial, Shibata in, trying to choke Toa out and he tags HOOK in! Kaun in as well, HOOK with lariats, he gets overwhelmed in the corner and double powerbombed... JOE BREAKS IT UP! The match breaks down, triple submissions...

HOOK, Katsuyori Shibata, & Samoa Joe win by submission with sleeper holds in triplicate.

Post-match, Chris Jericho goes to “congratulate them” but Big Bill and Bryan Keith attack the babyfaces from behind! Samoa draped over the steps as Bill hammers him with a steel chair! Chris has brass knuckles and drops HOOK with a right hand! They set up a table and Big Bill chokeslams HOOK through it!

And so we go to break.

Jeff Jarrett makes his entrance and we finally find out who the Wild Card is...


“Hangman” Adam Page vs. Jeff Jarrett (Owen Hart Cup Quarterfinals)

Collar and elbow, Page shoves him down, hammering each other with punches, boot from Adam, rabbit punches over and over again to a fallen Jarrett! Kicks to the ribs, Hangman vicious and angry, Double J with some knees in the ropes and Page drops him with a lariat! Fallaway slam follows, to the floor, apron powerbomb connects and Jeff Jarrett is in agony!

Hangman smashing his head into the steel steps over and over again and we go to break!

Back from commercial, trading forearms on the apron, Jarrett hits the Stroke on the apron but he can’t capitalize! Back inside, Jeff with rights and lefts, side Russian legsweep, Page with an upkick, Double J with an enzuigiri, cover for two! Hangman shoves him off, Jarrett rolls through Deadeye, looking for the Sharpshooter but Adam punches his way out of it!

Getting him up, Deadeye connects! To the apron for Buckshot, but Jarrett collapses to the mat! Jeff shoves him through the ropes, back on his feet, Buckshot countered, Sharpshooter applied in the middle of the ring! Hangman gets the ropes! Page slings him into the ropes to stagger him, slingshot from the apron, Buckshot into mounted punches!

Referee Aubrey Edwards pulls him off of Double J, another Deadeye... IT’S OVER!

Adam Page wins by pinfall with Deadeye.

Post-match, Karen Jarrett checks on her husband.

HOOK is being seen to by trainers when the Learning Tree attacks! He fights off Bryan Keith but Jericho blows a fireball in his face and we go to break.

Back from commercial, Renee Paquette interviews Adam Page but the Young Bucks roll up and shoo her away and congratulate him on crushing it.

They suggest that he should keep scratching their back and they need him for Blood & Guts. Hangman grabs Matthew by his lapels and says he’s not a puppet or a child and he doesn’t need anymore games. He’s in the Owen and he’s going to win the Owen.

“Red Death” Daniel Garcia vs. Will Ospreay (c) (AEW International Championship)

Circling, collar and elbow, Ospreay backs Garcia into the ropes, down and out in the corner and Maxwell Jacob Friedman gives Daniel a quick pep talk. Whip reversed, duck a lariat, backflip into a side headlock, off the ropes, drop down, leapfrog, Garcia with a front kick and a hip toss! Side headlock takeovers exchanged, headscissors from Red Death, short piledriver to Will’s injured neck!

Daniel with front kicks, punches in the corner, cravate applied, snapmare into a dropkick to the spine, cover for one. Mounted punches in the corner, Will slips out, Cheeky Nando’s sends Garcia crashing to the floor! Plancha, Ospreay and Friedman have a moment and Max makes a big show of backing off.

Will draws Daniel up and throws him inside as we go to break!

Back from commercial, slugging it out, Garcia backs him into the corner, Ospreay explodes with a boot, snap rolling neckbreakers from the challenger, Will floats over, Daniel spikes him with a DDT! Another snap rolling neckbreaker, cover... NOT ENOUGH! Ospreay offers a free shot for Kawada kicks and Daniel bops him with his dingus instead, doing his little dance!

Saito Suplex gets a flipping Air Raid Crash, countering Storm Breaker with a back piledriver of his own... STILL NO! Back body drop, victory roll pin, Will snaps off an enzuigiri, off the ropes, Tenryu Powerbomb into the Styles Clash... GARCIA KICKS OUT! Thinking Hidden Blade but Daniel counters into a bodyscissors sleeper!

Ospreay back on his feet, Garcia floats over into a guillotine choke! Will reverses into a Gourdbuster, underhooks, blocked, DDT blocked, duck a lariat, OsCutter blocked... GARCIA SNAPS OFF A SITDOWN PILEDRIVER FOR TWO! MJF slips the Dynamite Diamond Ring into the ring, Garcia considers it, Ospreay from behind, trading pinning predicaments, big lariat from Daniel!

Breathing room, thinking about the ring, Max wants him to but Garcia gives it back to him! He turns around...

Will Ospreay wins by pinfall with Hidden Blade, retaining the AEW International Championship.

Post-match, Garcia is down and out in the corner, emotional over his loss, and Will comes over to give him a pep talk even as Max looms in the background glowering. Ospreay gives Daniel a round of applause and leaves.

MJF tells Garcia that it was on him, it’s not his fault and the people still love him, and he helps him up and raises his hand and hugs him... BEFORE KICKING HIM RIGHT IN THE GENTLEMAN’S AREA! He pulls the ring out and slides it on his finger but has to turn around and deck Matt Menard first!

Spitting on Daniel, yelling for him to get up, and he drops Garcia with a loaded punch! Garcia’s bloodied and Max keeps attacking him and hocking loogies but Daniel, even dazed and drooling, wants to get up! Matt Menard is also bloodied to hell, MJF gets Garcia up on the second, Christopher Daniels trying to talk sense into him... AVALANCHE TOMBSTONE PILEDRIVER!

Will Ospreay finally comes back as MJF is punching harder and harder, and Max runs away through the stands. He spits on a fan as Garcia is stretchered out.

Daniels pleads with Ospreay to keep his cool.

That’s the show, folks.

AEW Dynamite Beach Break results, live blog (July 3, 2024): Ospreay vs. Garcia (2024)


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Name: Catherine Tremblay

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Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.